What are some Depth Psychology techniques?

Jungian based psychology offers a creative view of the human psyche. The presence of story, imagination, dream-tending, art, synchronicity, association, intuition, and the numinous are appreciated within the therapeutic relationship. These elements help to reveal unconscious material, personal, and collective complexes that are influencing one’s life and relationships.

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How are Depth Psychotherapy and Jungian techniques applied in your practice?

Rebecca Bruno:

The way I approach depth psychology or therapy from a depth perspective has to do with acknowledging the presence of soul or soulfulness in the space of therapy.

And that can look like starting to soften the barrier between the conscious mind and the unconscious.

It can look like tending to dream. It can look like a drawing, It can look like automatic writing, a writing that comes through you in a less conscious way.

So, that we can open up the space for befriending parts of your psyche and parts of your psychological landscape that are maybe surprising you in ways in your life that are causing distress and help you feel a sense of expansion and growth around these experiences and help them be less frightening, less surprising to you so that you can gain more choice and more full sense of soulfulness in your life.

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more information about Depth Psychology that you might find useful

What is the basis of the Depth Psychology?

The basis for depth psychology is that unconscious thoughts, emotions, and desires outside our awareness influence human behavior. These hidden motivations can affect how we perceive ourselves and the world around us, and they can also impact our behavior in ways that are difficult to understand.

Depth psychology explores these hidden aspects of the psyche through various techniques, such as dream analysis, free association, and transference. By understanding the unconscious motivations behind our behavior, we can gain insight into ourselves and work towards resolving psychological conflicts and improving our overall well-being.

How does Depth Psychology help relieve anxiety?

Line drawing of Somatic Psychotherapy icon

You may use coping mechanisms such as avoidance or denial to protect yourself from emotional pain or discomfort. But, these defenses can also perpetuate anxiety by preventing us from confronting and working through our issues.

By providing a safe and supportive environment for exploring and processing the underlying causes of your anxiety, depth psychology can help you to develop greater self-awareness, work through emotional pain, and develop healthier coping mechanisms, all of which can help to relieve anxiety.

Much research shows that the strength of the relationship between you and your therapist is a primary catalyst in healing.