Benefits of Somatic Psychotherapy


What is Somatic Psychotherapy ?

Rebecca Bruno:

Somatic psychotherapy is a way of centering on the body in talk therapy. We look at what your bodily experience is as you're having emotion.

So that over time, you get better and better at processing emotion in a bodily way, which can be extraordinarily helpful in deepening your understanding of yourself and how you experience emotion in your relationships and in the world.

This approach can be really helpful in processing trauma, processing relational ruptures, and regaining a sense of grounding, a sense of aliveness and vitality in your physical self, in your body.


How does Somatic Psychotherapy relate to Somatic Releasing?

Rebecca Bruno:

I think there's a link between somatic releasing and somatic psychotherapy in that as we're processing trauma together in session, your body can go through a unwinding process.

It can move in ways, or you can sense, you can perceive sensation and interception, the feelings you have, the senses inside of your body as you process emotion.

So, as you perhaps release grief from loss, there can also be a form of somatic release, a form of unwinding and unfolding through the movements or sensations of your body that help you understand more clearly and more directly what it means to process emotion, what it means to heal through your whole system, not just your mind or talking.

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more information about Somatic Psychotherapy that you might find useful

How can Somatic Psychotherapy help relieve trauma?

Somatic Psychotherapy aims to help you process and release unresolved emotions and trauma that can be stored in your body. By addressing physical sensations and emotional experiences associated with trauma, you can work towards healing and integrating your past experiences.

How can Somatic Psychotherapy help relieve anxiety?

Somatic Psychotherapy can help individuals with anxiety by using mindfulness, breathwork, and body awareness exercises to help regulate the nervous system and reduce physical symptoms. By becoming more aware of how the body is affected by anxiety and learning to monitor physical sensations as signifiers of distress, individuals can also better manage anxiety triggers as they are happening.

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Movement, sensation, perception, feeling, and intuition arise from the nervous system and support the work of processing trauma. By engaging awareness of our visceral natures, we gain greater capacity for emotional safety, relational integrity, and personal and collective wisdom.

With Somatic Psychotherapy, you can experience greater emotional regulation and reduced anxiety symptoms by addressing these emotions through the body, not just the mind.

Identifying the physical manifestations caused by underlying emotions contributing to your anxiety, can often be the first step in the healing process.

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